
Farsi Learning Resources for Non-Farsi Speakers

Online Farsi School unites education and mobile learning specialists to create Farsi Learning Resources for Non-Farsi Speakers. Free from political, religious, ethnic, and gender biases, our digital content is designed for the current generation. These resources, including teaching tools for instructors and practice materials for students, ensure a holistic learning experience.

Challenges in Existing Farsi Language Learning Books and Resources

Several reasons led us to this decision. In our research, we found that Farsi teaching books in Iran often inject specific religious and political perspectives directly or indirectly into children’s minds. These books are not aligned with the educational needs of children residing outside the country.

While we appreciate the efforts of educators and researchers in other countries, we believe the new generation of students requires more practical, engaging, and up-to-date resources. The reality is that teaching Farsi to children significantly differs from teaching it to adults. For instance, the primary approach to teaching children is game-centered, while adult education should be needs-focused.

Online Farsi School's Approach to Resources and Farsi Language Books for Non-Farsi Speakers

The process of teaching and learning Farsi at Online Farsi School is dynamic, learner-centric, joyful, and creative. In our educational approach, technology serves learning rather than the other way around. Our team designs multimedia Farsi teaching resources for children based on various learning theories, including Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory, the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, and the ARCS motivational theory.

Key Features of Digital Farsi Learning Resources for Non-Farsi Speakers at Online Farsi School

  • Visually appealing
  • Engaging audio
  • Cheerful and energetic content
  • Story-centered approach
  • Creativity
  • Grounded in learning theories and instructional design principles
  • Human-centered, free from religious, ethnic, and gender stereotypes
  • Adaptable to students’ real-life environments
  • Promotes universal values like friendship and environmental conservation
  • Supports Iranian arts
  • Focuses on Iran and Iranian culture
  • Mobile-friendly

Explore a sample of our Farsi alphabet learning videos for children, crafted and produced by Online Farsi School. Our educators utilize these videos as effective teaching tools.

In Online Persian School, Farsi teaching and learning process is a combination of direct online teaching by a professional teacher, animated stories and game-based reading and writing activities.

The following sample animation, which is provided by Online Persian School learning material design team, shows a simple story to teach one of the Farsi Alphabets to the learners.

The following sample video, which is provided by our material design team, helps the students to improve their Farsi reading skills.

The following sample video shows a small part of our online Farsi reading-writing course.

The following videos show our students’ Farsi learning progress.

Online Persian School
Farsi for kids